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Font providers are designed to be pluggable and extensible, so no matter your setup you should be able to use an existing provider or write your own.

Built-In Providers

Nuxt Fonts ships with a number of built-in providers.


The local provider deeply scans your public/ directories (including of your layers) for font files (supporting ttf, woff, woff2, eot or otf extensions).

Then, when you use a font-family in your CSS, we check to see whether it matches one of these files. By default, we expect the font file to be the 400 weight, normal style, and latin subset. To indicate different weights and styles, please include that information in the filename. For example comic-sans-ms.woff2 (400/normal/latin; defaults), comic-sans-ms-700-italic-cyrillic.woff2 (700/italic/cyrillic). Keywords like light, bold, or black are accepted in place of a weight number: comic-sans-ms-bold.woff2. font-family values with spaces and/or caps will lookup hyphenated lowercase filenames as well, eg font-family: 'Comic Sans MS' will look for comic-sans-ms.woff2 as well as Comic\ Sans\ MS.woff2 on disk.

Please note that the local provider will only attempt to load styles and weights that were configured in the Font Options.


Google Fonts is one of the best known public font APIs.


Google Fonts Icons adds support for Material Symbols and Material Icons.


Bunny Fonts is provided by and is a drop-in Google Fonts compatible API, focusing on privacy.


Fontshare is a free font service with 100+ professional-grade fonts from the Indian Type Foundry (ITF).

You should read their terms in full before using a font through fontshare.


Fontsource is a collection of open-source fonts that are designed for self-hosting in web applications.


Adobe Fonts is a font service for both personal and commercial use included with Creative Cloud subscriptions.

To configure the Adobe provider in your Nuxt app, you must provide a Project ID or array of Project IDs corresponding to the Web Projects you have created in Adobe Fonts.

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: ['@nuxt/fonts'],
  fonts: {
    adobe: {
      id: ['<some-id>', '<another-kit-id>'],
We currently can't provide non-latin subsets for Adobe Fonts as they do not have a public API for that. Please use other providers in such cases.
You should read their terms in full before using a font through adobe.

Custom Providers

The core of the provider API in Nuxt Fonts has been extracted to a common library that can be used by any framework - unifont.

The provider API is likely to evolve in the next few releases of unifont, but at the moment it looks like this:

import { defineFontProvider } from 'unifont'

export default defineFontProvider('some-custom-provider', async (options) => {
  // do some setup
  return {
    async resolveFont (fontFamily, options) {
      if (fontFamily === 'My Font Family') {
        return {
          fonts: [
              src: [
                { url: '', format: 'woff2' },
              weight: 400,
              style: 'normal',

Module authors can also add their own providers (or remove existing ones) in the fonts:providers hook which is called by Nuxt Fonts after all modules have run.

nuxt.hook('fonts:providers', providers => {
  delete providers.adobe

  providers['custom-provider'] = defineFontProvider('custom-provider', async () => {
    /** some setup */
    return {
      async resolveFont (fontFamily, options) {
        /** resolve font faces */