Get Started


Get started with Nuxt Fonts right away.

Automatic Installation

To get started, add @nuxt/fonts to your project:

npx nuxi@latest module add fonts

Manual Installation

Or you can install it manually.

pnpm i @nuxt/fonts

Then, add it to the modules in your nuxt.config:

export default defineNuxtConfig({
  modules: [


If you don't already have it in your .gitignore, go ahead and add the .data directory:


You can now get started by adding a font-family declaration to your CSS. ✨

    Hello Nuxt Fonts!

<style scoped>
div {
  font-family: Roboto, sans-serif;

That's it! Nuxt Fonts will detect this and you should immediately see the web font loaded in your browser. Read more about how it works.

To improve performance, @nuxt/fonts by default only loads the normal/400 font-weight. See the configuration docs on how to change this default.
Check out the configuration docs for all available options and features to customize.


If an error occurs during installation:

  • Ensure that you are using the latest LTS version of Node.js (release schedule)
  • Try to upgrade to latest versions:
    pnpm up @nuxt/fonts
  • Try recreating your lock-file:
    npx nuxt@latest upgrade --force
  • Check your network connection. Your machine might be having a hard time communicating with the font providers.
  • If none of the above worked, please open an issue and include the error trace, OS, Node version and the package manager used for installing.
  • If you're missing certain fonts or their variations, please confirm the module is configured to load the fonts you expected to see.