Custom Web Fonts for
Nuxt Applications

Plug-and-play fonts optimization for Nuxt apps. Use and optimize your fonts using your favorite font source.

Get the most of your fonts with
dynamic features

Zero Configuration Required

One single font-family: declaration, let us manage the rest.

6 Providers Supported

Choose over 6 font providers to download your fonts, no vendor lock-in.

Custom Providers for Full Control

Get full control over what you need. You can create custom providers by yourself.

Local Download Support

Font files are automatically downloaded for production usage. No other requests to your providers.

Automatic Font Metric Optimisation

Unlock the power of our built-in font optimizer with fontaine and capsize.

Automatic Font Caching

Build/Dev time font caching powered by unstorage.

Choose your favorite provider

Providers are integrations between Nuxt Fonts and third-party font sources. Each provider is responsible for downloading and caching fonts from different sources. You can use any one of the built-in providers, or write your own.